Swipe Access Request Notice If your BlueDiamond app was reset or you are attempting to reconfigure the app on a new phone, do not submit this form to request access again. Instead, please email bss@umpd.umd.edu; Building Security will send you a new authorization code you can use to reconfigure the BlueDiamond app.Name* First Last Email* UID Number*Please verify your UID number is correct before submitting this request.Access Groups*Optionally choose an access group to preselect multiple access levels below. If you are a new employee hired into a specific space, this can help in identifying what access you require. Space owners can request new access groups or updates to existing ones by emailing cloud@umd.edu.No Access Group SelectedTW AFL Access GroupTW IFL Access GroupTW TAP Access GroupTW IDEA Prototyping Access GroupAccess Levels Requested* 083 [JMP] Building Exterior 083 [JMP] Keystone Classrooms 083 [JMP] Woodshop 083 [JMP] EIT Main Office 088 [EGR] Building Exterior 088 [EGR] Research Prototyping Lab 225 [KEB] Building Exterior 228 [IDEA] ALEx Garage 228 [IDEA] Conference Rooms 228 [IDEA] Director 228 [IDEA] Rapid Prototyping 228 [IDEA] Rotocraft Center 228 [IDEA] Special Events 228 [IDEA] Startup Shell 387 [TAP] Building Exterior 387 [TAP] Startup Shell 387 [TAP] Design Shop 387 [TAP] MakerBot Innovation Center 387 [TAP] 1st Floor Conference Room 429 [AJC] Building Exterior 429 [AJC] Service Level Access 429 [AJC] Rear Elevators Floors 3/4/5 429 [AJC] Instructional Spaces 429 [AJC] 1106 Innovation Lab 429 [AJC] 1108 Innovation Lab 429 [AJC] 1110 Innovation Lab 429 [AJC] 1114 Innovation Lab 429 [AJC] 1118 Innovation Lab 429 [AJC] 1120 Innovation Lab 429 [AJC] 1122 Innovation Lab 429 [AJC] 1231 Lockers Room 429 [AJC] Clark Seminar Conference Room 429 [AJC] Instructional Electronics Shop 429 [AJC] Instructional Fabrication Lab 429 [AJC] Advanced Fabrication Lab - Prototyping Studio 429 [AJC] Advanced Fabrication Lab - Mechanical Prototyping 429 [AJC] Advanced Fabrication Lab - Electrical Prototyping 429 [AJC] Overlook Conference Room 814 [CYPRESS] Building Exterior Justification*Please provide a justification for requesting this access. Please be specific ("Because I need it." or "For my job." are not adequate justifications). Access to one or more of the spaces you selected is managed by the Office of the Dean and requires approval from the Dean of Engineering. If you are requesting access to a conference room, your swipe access will be granted for the duration of your reservation and you do not need to complete this form. You can reserve a conference room here: https://clarknet.eng.umd.edu/room-scheduling.Office of the Dean Approval* I affirm that I have received approval to request this access from the Office of the Dean.Note that your request must be approved before swipe access is issued. After approval, the request is automatically submitted to EIT for processing.Terrapin Works Employees: If you are already set up for BlueDiamond access with the mobile app, do not request access to the Rabin building again. You are automatically provisioned for access as a condition of your employment with Terrapin Works. If you do not have the BlueDiamond app set up, email eit-help@umd.edu and ask them to create a BlueDiamond badge for you in the Lenel system with no access levels. Once they create the badge, the Lenel system will automatically update your access.Access Level Definition for 429 [AJC] Instructional SpacesThis access level includes the following access points: 429 EXIT EE1199A 429 EXIT EE1299A 429 EXIT SE1193 (1131) 429 HALL 1187 East Corridor South End 429 HALL 1291 Service Corridor 429 HALL 1292 East Corridor By Elevator 429 HALL 3191 East Corridor 429 HALL 4199 East Corridor 429 HALL 5199 East Corridor 429 NE1210B Dock Outside Entrance 429 RM 1101A Forum East 429 RM 1101B Forum East 429 RM 1101C Forum West 429 RM 1101D Forum West 429 RM 1115 Instrument 429 RM 1119 Fab Lab 429 RM 1121 Instructional Lab 429 RM 1121B Instructional Lab 429 RM 1123 Instructional Prep 429 RM 1224 Wet Lab 429 RM 2123 Prototyping Studio 429 RM 2130 Mechanical Prototyping 429 RM 2130A Mechanical Prototyping 429 RM 2231 Electronic Prototyping 429 RM 2231A Electronic Prototyping Access Level Definition for 429 [AJC] Service Level AccessThis access level includes the following access points: 429 Elevator 2 1st Floor Rear 429 NE1210B Dock Outside Entrance 429 RM 1210A Receiving Dock Access Level Definition for 228 [IDEA] ALEx GarageThis access level includes the following access points: 228 EXIT 1105 228 RM 1113 All Doors 228 EXIT 1191 Service Entrance 228 EXIT 2199 Patio 228 EXIT 2199 Vestibule Access Level Definition for 228 [IDEA] Rapid PrototypingThis access level includes the following access points: 228 EXIT 1105 228 RM 1107 228 EXIT 1191 Service Entrance 228 EXIT 2199 Patio 228 EXIT 2199 Vestibule Access Level Definition for 228 [IDEA] DirectorThis access level includes the following access points: 228 ELEV Service 1192 Exterior 228 EXIT 1105 228 EXIT 1191 Service Entrance 228 EXIT 2199 on Patio 228 HALL 2199 Bridge Door to Kim 228 HALL 2199 Vestibule 228 RM 1101 Startup Shell 228 RM 1103 Popup Innovention 228 RM 1107 Rapid Prototyping Lab 228 RM 1113 ALEx Garage All Doors 228 RM 2121 Large Conference 228 RM 2125 Conference 228 RM 3112 Wellness Room 228 RM 3119 Robotics Lab 228 STAIR E 3198 228 STAIR E 4198 228 STAIR E B0198 228 STAIR W 1193 228 STAIR W 3193 228 STAIR W 4193 228 STAIR W B0193 228 X1194 MAG Garage Exterior You have selected a restricted space. Additional approval from Startup Shell is required. Access is only given to Startup Shell members. If you are not a member of Startup Shell, you are not permitted to have swipe access, however you may use the space provided it is open and a Startup Shell member is present.One or more spaces you selected use the BlueDiamond appYou've selected a space that uses the BlueDiamond mobile app to control building access. If you've never used this system before, you'll need a smartphone manufactured in the last five years that has bluetooth capability. Once your access request has been processed, you will receive an email from lenel@umd.edu with instructions on setting up your phone to unlock access points. If you have trouble, please email your unit Lenel point of contact (for ENGR this is the EIT Service Desk - eit-help@umd.edu).This field is hidden when viewing the formEIT Help Desk This field is hidden when viewing the formCloud Operations